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Veg Momos And Momos Chutney Recipe

Hello Friends, 

Today, I am going to tell you Veg Momos recipe. I know, specially children love Momos. So, here we go:


For Dough:

  • 1.5 cup Maida
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 table spoon oil
For Stuffing:
  • 3 tablespoon oil
  • Garlic 3 clove, finely chopped 
  • Ginger 1 inch, finely chopped 
  • Green chilies 2, finely chopped 
  • Onion 2 tablespoon, finely chopped 
  • Carrot 1 cup, Grated
  • Cabbage 2 cup, shredded
  • Black pepper half teaspoon, crushed
  • Spring Onion 2 table spoon
  • Salt to taste
Method:  Take Maida in a bowl, add salt and half cup of water to it. Knead dough add some water if required. Knead it for 4-5 minutes to make a soft dough. Grease it with one tablespoon oil and keep it aside for 30 minutes.

Heat the oil in a pan. Add Garlic, Ginger and Green chilies to it and saute well. Now add onion to it and saute well until it soften. Add Carrot and Cabbage and stir fry. Make sure, don't over cook. Sprinkle black pepper powder and salt to taste and stir fry. Add chopped spring onion, and your stuffing is ready.

After 30 minutes knead the dough once again and make the small sized balls. Roll them gently thin, place the stuffing on it and start pleating like "Potli", seal it tight. Momos are ready now place them in a steamer for 10 minutes. 

Momos Chutney

  • 12-15 dried Red Chilies
  • 3 Tomatoes, sliced into two pieces 
  • 2-3 tablespoon Oil
  • 2 teaspoon chopped Ginger
  • 2 teaspoon chopped Garlic
  • 1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
  • Salt to taste
  • Half teaspoon Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Vinegar or Lemon juice  
Method: Boil some water in a pan. Add red chilies into it and boil them for 5-6 minutes. After 5-6 minutes add tomatoes to it and leave for 5-8 minutes. Now strain it from water and peal the skin of tomatoes. Blend it in a mixer to make a smooth paste. Keep it aside.

Heat the oil in a pan and add chopped garlic, Ginger. Make sure that their color should not be red. Medium the flame and add Soy sauce. Now add tomato-chili paste and cook it for 2-3 minutes. Add salt, sugar and vinegar and mix it well. Keep it on low flame until it starts leaving oil. Remove it from heat and serve with pre-prepared Momos.

How did you like this recipe ? please tell me in comment section. 
