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Leftover Recipes For Your Children

Hello friends,

How are you all? I hope everyone will be efficient and strictly following the lock-down in these difficult circumstances.
 Well, in a way, this time is difficult and if you think, most happiness is also found in this time when the whole family is together. Along with this, children's expectations have also increased because now they cannot get pizza from outside as before.
 In such a situation, I have come up with some easy recipes that you can make immediately and children will also like them very much.

1. Paratha Pizza


• Laftover Stuffed Parathas of vegetables
• Tomato Sauce or Pizza Sauce
• mozzarella cheese
• A bell pepper
• 1 onion
• Origeno
• Chili Flax
   Oil as required

Method: Bake the paratha with oil. Bake from one side, keep the baked portion upwards. Spread pizza sauce over it and add cheese. Cut the capsicum and onion into pieces and decorate. Sprinkle the oregano and chili flax and grill in the oven until the cheese melts. Cut and serve like a pizza.
• Pizza can also be made with plain paratha or jwar roti.
• Pizza can be baked on the pan instead of oven and covered on low heat.

2. Bread Samosas


• Leftovers or loaves
Potato Pea Vegetable
• One table spoon all purpose flour
Oil for frying
• Tamarind Chutney

Method: Dissolve the flour in water and make a thick paste. Cut the roti in the middle. Make the angle of the straight part bend from the middle. Apply bread paste and paste the roti. Fill it with potato pea vegetable, paste it with flour paste on the side. Shape the samosas and fry them in hot oil. Fry on high heat and serve immediately with tamarind chutney.
 3. Fried Rice


2 cups leftover rice
2 cups finely chopped vegetables (carrots, capsicum, cabbage, green onions)
• 2 finely chopped green chilies
• 1/4 tsp Ajinomoto
Salt and sugar as per taste
• Pinch of white chili powder
• 2 tsp oil

Method: Heat the oil in a pan, add green chilies, stir lightly and mix all the vegetables immediately. Add Ajinomoto and mix rice, salt, white chili powder and sugar immediately after running on high flame. Keep in mind keep the vegetables a little raw. Serve hot.


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