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Quick Cooking Tips to Make Your Cooking Easy

Hello friends,

How are you all? My posts have received more than 200 views in the last two days, which is a great pleasure for me. I want to thank you all for that much of love and hope that you will continue to show your love like this.

Sometimes, it happens that suddenly guests come without prior information and we have no preparation for this sudden situation. At that time the most common question comes in the mind "what to cook now?" 

So don't worry, you can still cook something special even without any preparation in advance, so follow some special tips of my mother that she always gives me. I hope these are very useful for you too:

Ready To Use

• Soak Rajma, Black or White Gram, washed Moong Daal etc. in water overnight. In the morning, drain the water and keep it in deep freezer in an airtight container. Whenever you want to make Moong Daal Chila or Pakoras, Rajma, and Gram, take it out, defrost it in the microwave. If there is no microwave, take it out a little earlier or keep it in hot water for some time. It can be used for 15 days.

• It is not possible to bring Paneer again and again. For this, cut the pieces of Paneer and deep fry in a little oil. Keep them in the deep freezer. This Paneer can be used easily for 15 - 20 days.

• Often people are also fond of eating Pavbhaji, for this, boil all the vegetables and keep them in deep freezer. whenever you want to cook bhaji take it out, defrost it and cook it well with spices and onions.

Instant Gravy Masala

If the time is short and you have to cook quickly, then follow these useful tips so that you can give time to yourself too:

• To avoid the mess of peeling and grinding of Ginger, Garlic, grind once and freeze the mixture in an ice cube tray, then take out the cubes and keep it in a container in deep freezer. Take out the cubes whenever you want to cook vegetables.

• Similarly, you can slice Tomatoes ​​into 4 pieces and boil them in the pressure cooker with little salt and a spoonful of sugar until a whistle comes. Cool and grind it with a hand blender. Keep them in a container in the refrigerator. You can use this paste easily for 7-8 days.

• For the gravy of Onion, Garlic and Ginger, fry these things well after chopping them in a little oil. Let it cool and then grind it well. The roasted masala is ready. You can also store it in the fridge. Whenever you want, takeout the mixture and add dried spices to the pan and cook with desired vegetables. You can use this mixture for 1 week.

• For white gravy, soak Cashew Nuts, Poppy Seeds overnight. In the morning, grind it in the Mixer and deep freeze it. You can use it for 15 days. Whenever you want to cook take it out, heat a little oil in a pan, add Onion, Garlic, Ginger mixture to it. Then add Cashew, Poppy mixture and a little curd. Now add salt and red pepper powder as per taste and cook it by adding Paneer or any vegetable. 

How did you like these tips? Or if you want to know about a special recipe, then tell me in comment section.


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